Abraxus's Blog

RaRCTF Dotty Write Up


Jeopardy style CTF

Category: Reverse Engineering

Points: 150

Comments: My new program will keep your secrets safe using military grade encryption!

Write up:

Running the file command on dotty.exe we can see that it is a .NET assembly so I opened the file using dnSpy:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace Dotty
	// Token: 0x02000002 RID: 2
	internal class Program
		// Token: 0x06000002 RID: 2 RVA: 0x00002058 File Offset: 0x00000258
		private static string Dotter(string phrase)
			return string.Join("|", from char c in phrase
			select Program.mapper[char.ToUpper(c)]);

		// Token: 0x06000003 RID: 3 RVA: 0x0000208C File Offset: 0x0000028C
		private static void Main(string[] args)
			Console.Write("Please enter your secret to encode: ");
			string phrase = Console.ReadLine();
			string text = Program.Dotter(phrase);
			if (text == Check.check)
				Console.WriteLine("That's the right secret!");

		// Token: 0x04000001 RID: 1
		private static Dictionary<char, string> mapper = new Dictionary<char, string>
				' ',
using System;

namespace Dotty
	// Token: 0x02000003 RID: 3
	internal class Check
		// Token: 0x04000003 RID: 3
		public static string check = "-|....|.|/|..-.|.-..|.-|--.|/|..|...|/|---|.---|--.-|-..-|.|-.--|...--|..-|--|--..|.....|.--|..|--|.-..|.|.-..|.....|....-|-|.-|.....|-.-|--...|---|.-|--..|-|--.|..---|..---|--...|--.|-...|--..|..-.|-....|-.|.-..|--.-|.--.|.|--...|-|-....|.--.|--..|--...|.-..|.....|-|--.|-.-.|-.|-..|-...|--|--|...--|-..|.-|-.|.-..|.....|/|-...|.-|...|.|...--|..---";

From this I could see that check was the flag in it's encrypted form. So what I did was extract the dictionary and write a script to convert the flag back to text:

# flag string
flag = "-|....|.|/|..-.|.-..|.-|--.|/|..|...|/|---|.---|--.-|-..-|.|-.--|...--|..-|--|--..|.....|.--|..|--|.-..|.|.-..|.....|....-|-|.-|.....|-.-|--...|---|.-|--..|-|--.|..---|..---|--...|--.|-...|--..|..-.|-....|-.|.-..|--.-|.--.|.|--...|-|-....|.--.|--..|--...|.-..|.....|-|--.|-.-.|-.|-..|-...|--|--|...--|-..|.-|-.|.-..|.....|/|-...|.-|...|.|...--|..---"

# mapped dictionary
mapped = [[ ' ', "/" ], [ 'A', ".-" ], [ 'B', "-..." ], [ 'C', "-.-." ], [ 'D', "-.." ], [ 'E', "." ], [ 'F', "..-." ], [ 'G', "--." ], [ 'H', "...." ], [ 'I', ".." ], [ 'J', ".---" ], [ 'K', "-.-" ], [ 'L', ".-.." ], [ 'M', "--" ], [ 'N', "-." ], [ 'O', "---" ], [ 'P', ".--." ], [ 'Q', "--.-" ], [ 'R', ".-." ], [ 'S', "..." ], [ 'T', "-" ], [ 'U', "..-" ], [ 'V', "...-" ], [ 'W', ".--" ], [ 'X', "-..-" ], [ 'Y', "-.--" ], [ 'Z', "--.." ], [ '1', ".----" ], [ '2', "..---" ], [ '3', "...--" ], [ '4', "....-" ], [ '5', "....." ], [ '6', "-...." ], [ '7', "--..." ], [ '8', "---.." ], [ '9', "----." ], [ '0', "-----" ]  ]

# split the flag the way the program does it
flag = flag.split("|")

s = ""

# go through and convert the flag
for i in flag:
	for j in mapped:
		if i == j[1]:
			s += j[0]


When run this pritned out:


When converted from BASE32 I got:
